Self-employed - photographer, meteorologist, crofter, Airport Manager, IT Instructor (local primary school), Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages. Main interest is landscape - with particular focus on the link between land, sea and sky and how changing light patterns can alter the mood and produce many different interpretations of the same scene. This is especially so as - for most of the time - photographic activities lie constrained within an area just a few kilometres square on this small island.
While many of the photographs are of the natural world of Fair Isle, a large proportion also document the life of the islanders as we work with, and manage, our environment in a sustainable way. Over the past 40 years the photographs document a change from a crofting life-style barely altered over generations, to one where Fair Isle - trying to keep its traditional way of life - moves to accommodate the benefits of the digital age.
Began photography in the late 1950s. First 35mm camera in 1963 - a Pentax Sla. Remained true to Pentax ever since. Now using a K20 and a K7 (still have the istD and the K10).